
Mehrdad Moghimi and Hyejin Ku, “Beyond CVaR: Leveraging Spectral Risk Measures for Enhanced Decision-Making in Distributional Reinforcement Learning” (2024)

Sungjune Park, Hyejin Ku and Richard Le, “Predictive Analytics for Navigation Data Using Sequence-Based Clustering and Absorbing Markov Chain” (2024)

Richard Le, Hyejin Ku and Sungjune Park, “Enhanced Predictive Analytics Using Higher-Order Markov Chains: Applications in Credit Risk and Web-Usage Mining” (2024)

Kaiyan Lin, Hyejin Ku and Mingfu Wang, “A Conditional Generative Adversarial Approach to Bankruptcy Prediction Using Textual Information” (2023)

Richard Le and Hyejin Ku, "Reducing Systemic Risk in a Multi-layer Network Using Reinforcement Learning", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 605, 128029 (2022, .pdf)

Mingfu Wang and Hyejin Ku, “Risk-sensitive Policies for Portfolio Management”, Expert Systems with Applications 198, 116807 (2022, .pdf)

Won Choi, Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “A Valuation Formula for Chained Options with n-Barriers”, Journal of Mathematics, 9563019 (2022)

Sebeom Oh, Hyejin Ku and Doobae Jun, "A Comparative Analysis of Housing Prices in Different Cities Using the Black-Scholes and Jump Diffusion Models", Finance Research Letters 46, 102241 (2022, .pdf)

Mingfu Wang and Hyejin Ku, “Utilizing Historical Data for Corporate Credit Rating Assessment”, Expert Systems with Applications 165, 113925 (2021, .pdf)

Richard Le, Hyejin Ku and Doobae Jun, “Sequence-Based Clustering Applied to Long-Term Credit Risk Assessment”, Expert Systems with Applications 165, 113940 (2021, .pdf)

Hyejin Ku and Hai Zhang, “Option Pricing for a Large Trader under Price Impact and Liquidity Costs”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 459, pp.32-52 (2018, .pdf)

Zehra Eksi and Hyejin Ku, “Portfolio Optimization for a Large Investor under Partial Information and Price Impact”, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 86, pp.601-623 (2018, .pdf)

Hai Zhang and Hyejin Ku, “Option Valuation with Liquidity Risk and Jumps”, Applied Economics Letters 25, pp.381-387 (2018, .pdf)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Closed-form Solutions for Options with Random Initiation under Asset Price Monitoring”, Finance Research Letters 20, pp.68-74 (2017, .pdf)

Yegor Sorokin and Hyejin Ku, “Option Replication in Discrete Time with the Cost of Illiquidity”, Communications in Mathematical Sciences 14, No.7, pp. 1947-1962  (2016, .pdf)

Bing Hu, Hyejin Ku, Ping Wu and Huaiping Zhu, “Local Volatility Model with Stochastic Interest Rates”, York University (2016)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Static Hedging of Chained-Type Barrier Options”, North American Journal of Economics and Finance 33, pp.317-327 (2015, .pdf)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Analytic Solutions for American Barrier Options with Two Barriers”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 422, pp. 408-422 (2015, .pdf)

Hai Zhang and Hyejin Ku, “Valuation of Claims with Price Impact Functions and Liquidity Costs”, The Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge (2014)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “A Study on Exotic Derivatives with Barriers: An Introduction to Chained Options” (2014)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Pricing Chained Options with Curved Barriers”, Mathematical Finance 23, No. 4, pp.763-776 (2013, .pdf)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Digital Barrier Option Contract with Exponential Random Time”, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 78, pp.1147-1155 (2013, .pdf)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Valuation of American Partial Barrier Options”, Review of Derivatives Research 16, No.2, pp 167-191 (2013, .pdf)

Hyejin Ku, Kiseop Lee and Huaiping Zhu, “Discrete Time Hedging with Liquidity Risk”, Finance Research Letters 9, pp.135-143 (2012, .pdf)

Doobae Jun and Hyejin Ku, “Cross a Barrier to Reach Barrier Options”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 389, pp.968-978 (2012, .pdf)

Hyejin Ku, “Randomized Stopping Times and Coherent Multiperiod Risk Measures”, Stochastics 83, pp.223-231 (2010, .pdf)

Philippe Artzner, Freddy Delbaen, Jean-Marc Eber, David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Coherent Multiperiod Risk Adjusted Values and Bellman's Principles”, Annals of Operations Research 152, pp.5-22 (2007, .pdf)

David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Consistency among Trading Desks”, Finance and Stochastics 10, pp.331-340 (2006, .pdf)

Hyejin Ku, “Liquidity Risk with Coherent Risk Measures” Applied Mathematical Finance 13, pp.131-141 (2006, .pdf)

Hyejin Ku, “Measurement of Financial Risk”, Proceedings of the UKC (US-Korea Conference) on Science and Technology, New York (2006)

David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Pareto Equilibria with Coherent Measures of Risk”, Mathematical Finance 14, pp.163-172 (2004, .pdf)

Hyeong In Choi, David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Valuation and Hedging of Options with General Payoff under Transaction Costs”, Journal of Korean Mathematical Society 41, pp.513-533 (2004, .pdf)

Philippe Artzner, Freddy Delbaen, Jean-Marc Eber, David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Multiperiod Risk and Coherent Multiperiod Risk Measurement”, ETH-Zurich (2003, .pdf)

Philippe Artzner, Freddy Delbaen, Jean-Marc Eber, David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “Coherent Multiperiod Risk Measurement”, ETH-Zurich (2002, .pdf)

David Heath and Hyejin Ku, “The Consistency of Two Markets”, Carnegie Mellon University (2002)

Junhwa Ban, Hyeong In Choi and Hyejin Ku, “Valuation and Hedging of Options in the Markets with Daily Price Limit”, Applied Mathematical Finance 7, pp.61–74 (2000, .pdf)

Hyeong In Choi and Hyejin Ku, “Option Valuation and Hedging for the Stochastic Volatility Model: New Iterative PDE Method”, (1998, .pdf)

Jongsik Kim and Hyejin Ku, “Existence of Solutions for p-Laplacian Type Equations”, Journal of Korean Mathematical Society 33, pp.291–307 (1996)