
FE (Financial Engineering) Diploma program at York:

The Financial Engineering Diploma is a collaborative program established in 1998 in cooperation with the Schulich School of Business. The Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering is a concurrent program offered to MBA students in the Schulich School of Business and to MA students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Students who obtain the Graduate Diploma in Financial Engineering concurrently with an MA in Mathematics and Statistics get the best from both worlds: rigorous training in Mathematics offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics coupled with several specialized courses in Mathematical Finance offered by the Schulich School of Business. This unique combination opens doors to many exciting careers in the Financial Industry all over the world.


Course Webpages moved to Moodle since 2016.


  • MATH 6910 Stochastic Calculus in Finance
  • MATH 3282 Mathematical Finance
  • MATH 2281 Models for Financial Economics